
Home Vision & Initiatives
Grow student body to 40K

Inspire Student Success

President Randall believes we must re-imagine how we inspire students at the U by revolutionizing the student experience. We’re creating a campus community that integrates living, learning and belonging, and we will put students right at the forefront of knowledge creation from day one with unparalleled first-year experiences.

We are also committed to achieving outstanding student outcomes by investing in student completions, updating and streamlining our admissions processes, increasing our students’ earning potential, and recruiting more students from throughout Utah.

Student Success Initiatives

University Innovation Alliance
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U Career Success Center
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Guaranteed Housing for First-Year Students
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Innovate & Generate Discoveries

As higher education ushers in an era of entrepreneurship, President Randall believes the U must take the learning and knowledge enterprise beyond campus to improve lives and change the world. We are accelerating how we innovate by boosting research efforts and speeding up the transfer of technology to the marketplace.

The U is also committed to creating innovation districts and labs throughout the state where our students can work side by side with industry professionals. We are also refreshing our research and commercialization leadership strategy and adding incentives for more cross-disciplinary research and innovation.

$1 billion in research funding

Innovate Initiatives

Innovate U Research Database
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Life Sciences Workforce Initiative
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Responsible AI Initiative
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Improve lives of all 3.5
million Utahns

Serve Our State

As Utah’s flagship university, the U has a responsibility to the people of this great state. President Randall is re-envisioning how we can deliver on higher education differently to have a greater impact on the communities we serve. We have written a new community compact with our state pledging six commitments and are working to have a presence in all of Utah’s 29 counties.

The U is expanding its reach beyond east Salt Lake with new campuses in West Valley and Herriman. We’re also growing our mental health services through partnerships throughout the state, and we have partnered with sister higher ed institutions and industry partners to help solve some of the state’s most pressing societal issues.

Service Initiatives

One Utah Service Fellowship
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Population Health Center
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Shaping the Future of Cancer Care in Utah County
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