On the "U Rising" podcast, President Ruth V. Watkins engages in insightful conversations with students, staff, faculty, alumni and community stakeholders who are at the center of the state's flagship research university. President Watkins also connects with other leaders to give listeners a fresh take on top issues and innovations in higher education in Utah and across the country. You can subscribe to U Rising via iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and other podcast streaming services.
Ed Diener is known as “Dr. Happiness” for good reason: For the past 30 years, he has researched subjective well-being—what makes people feel satisfied and happy in their lives. Ed and his wife Carol created a program called Enhance to teach others how to cultivate well-being and now they’ve joined with U student Alex Becraft to launch a new program, Well-Being Elevated, focused specifically on helping college students boost well-being, develop resiliency and thrive when faced with life challenges and stressors. To join a group at the U, email Alex at alexander.becraft@utah.edu. Recorded on Thursday, May 21, 2020. Thanks to Brooke Adams and Dave White for technical assistance. Music by Taylor Hartley.